Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Not Just Food

My friends seem to always be talking about losing weight.  Don't get me wrong.  There is nothing wrong with losing weight.  However, a few seem to be a bit obsessed with it.  It's always "I've lost 5 pounds!" or "Why can't I lose weight?!"   If someone is having trouble, there is always someone else to suggest a new diet to try.

 One friend is under tremendous amounts of stress and eats her "diet" yet can't seem to drop a pound.  Another friend is dropping weight fast but is tired and cranky all the time.  She blames it on the diet - and she probably should.  Her body is obviously missing something she needs.  Still another friend is a bean pole.  She eats and eats, but doesn't put on weight.  She, too, is always tired and knows she needs more sleep.  Another writes a healthy eating blog yet her recipes are full of excitotoxins.

What about just being healthy?  What about listening to our bodies?  What about handling the environment around us?  What about eating real food that tastes good, without all the crap, and eating in moderation?  What about exercise?

The point is that losing weight shouldn't be the goal.  The goal should be to become as healthy as you can within your lifestyle and budget.  Losing weight is just a side effect.  And it's not just about the food.  It's about everything in your life.  Everything affects your health.  Your home, your cleaning products, your mindset, how you handle stress, money problems - it all matters.

I have issues with all of this in my own life.  That is what this blog is about.  It is a place for me to write down my thoughts and goals; my failures and successes; my ups and my downs.   If it helps someone in the process - great.

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