Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Tests Are Back

The results on my son's C-1 blood tests came back.
They were normal, so it looks like it may be what I thought to begin with: an allergic reaction. My son thinks the test results are wrong.   I did more research and found out there is one version where the C-1 is normal but the C-4 is low.  I don't think his C-4 was tested.  Either way, we have to test for the allergens.

The doctor said the only way to test the allergens is to expose him, because there isn't a reliable test available other than that.  We bought some Neapolitan Oreos (yuck), because they have Red 40 Lake in them.  He ate 3 cookies, which is the amount he had last time, and we are waiting to see what happens.  He ate them 6.5 hours ago.  The longest it has taken him to react is 8. It really doesn't look like he's going to.

The next step is to put the air freshener back in his room.  If he reacts to that, then we have the culprit.  If he doesn't, we have to call the doctor back again.

I am honestly surprised he doesn't have it.  His brother also showed signs, and the doctor said it shows up in clusters.  We're going to see if the military will test my middle son at boot camp.  My eldest daughter said she is going to get tested for it, because she had problems swelling during her pregnancy and one type of HAE hits mainly women who are pregnant or on birth control pills.

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