Friday, November 16, 2012

Prop 37

   In the recent election, Prop 37 (California) failed to pass.  Basically, it would have required all companies to disclose any GMOs in their products.  This was a serious blow for those of us who need, or even want, to know what is in our food supply.

  GMO corn makes me sick.  I don't know why.  Honestly, I haven't looked in to it much.  What I do know is if I eat 100% organic corn, I'm fine.  If I eat any other corn, I feel sick.  I ran a blind taste test on myself to make sure.  When I had corn planned, a family member picked whether it was organic or not .  The can was buried in the trash, so I couldn't see it.   We keep food journals to help us pinpoint reactions.  Every reaction came after I ate non-organic corn.  

  I don't understand why people voted against the labeling.  I don't understand why people don't want to know what they're eating.  It doesn't make sense to me at all.   Then again, I guess many people don't have to deal with food allergies/sensitivities, so they just don't think about it.

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