Thursday, September 13, 2012

MSG'd Grape

The other day we wanted grapes.  At the store, they were out of organic ones, so I grabbed regular grapes since I knew we were okay with them.

Major mistake #1:  I didn't check country of origin.

My daughter ate a couple and said, "These taste weird."  I grabbed one, took a bite and felt a nasty coating even after washing.   The inside was a bit sour, but had another odd taste to it.

"You're right.  Something is off with these grapes."

Mistake #2: I ate the rest of the very large grape anyhow.

About 45 minutes later, my face was tingling and felt like it was on fire.  My head began to pound and my daughter said, "Mom, your face is getting red."

I was beginning an MSG reaction and it turned out to be a very strong one.   It is now over 24 hours later and I am just getting over it.  The grapes are in the trash.

The grapes were grown in the USA.  USA grapes are not normally sold in this store. USA non-organic grapes are off limits for me.  They can be sprayed with a solution that is 25%+ MSG while being grown.  Obviously, I bought a batch.

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